Android - Whatsapp: Export pictures from certain conversations

I think there is no native way of doing that, and I have not seen any app that does it.

From my experience, the best way is via WhatsappWeb. I used this quite a few times.

  1. Select the target conversation, on the left.
  2. Click on the conversation name, at the top.
  3. Expand Media.
  4. Make sure all files are loaded, by scrolling/waiting.
  5. Select all files you want.
  6. You can Forward, Download, etc.

I found the same idea here.

Go to Whatsapp Settings. For me that the three dots button at the top right of "main" screen of whatsapp. From there go to chats, chat history, email chat, select contact, and it will prompt you to email it. You must say you want media files attached. If there are a lot of images it may fail.

Ok, this does not answer the question directly, but comments on a feature that might be helpful to the same audience. This does not work for past media but for any new media from the moment you set it up.

How to sync whatsapp media for some conversations and not others?

  1. You have to set for each conversation whether you want the media to be visible, that is, that the media goes to the whatsapp media folder or not.

    If you go to any conversation, once inside it,

    >> Three dots >> View contact/Group info >> Media visibility >> Yes/No

    Once you set that for all the conversations, you can sync the whatsapp photo and/or video folders, and only the ones set as visible will synchronize.

  2. Of course having to do this for every conversation is not very handy.

    Most likely you want to sync everything but some conversations (as the groups where people send a lot of trash) or you want to sync only some conversations, like your girlfriend and family (where only pictures are being sent).

    If you are in either of these two cases, you can set the default visibility value,

    >> Settings >> Chats >> Media visibility >> Yes/No

    So you only have to change the ones you want/don't want to sync.