When to use AtomicReference in Java?

Atomic reference should be used in a setting where you need to do simple atomic (i.e. thread-safe, non-trivial) operations on a reference, for which monitor-based synchronization is not appropriate. Suppose you want to set a specific field only if the state of the object has changed during processing:

AtomicReference<Object> cache = new AtomicReference<Object>();

Object cachedValue = new Object();

//... time passes ...
Object cachedValueToUpdate = cache.get();
//... do some work to transform cachedValueToUpdate into a new version
Object newValue = someFunctionOfOld(cachedValueToUpdate);
boolean success = cache.compareAndSet(cachedValue,cachedValueToUpdate);

Because of the atomic reference semantics, you can do this even if the cache object is shared amongst threads, without using synchronized. In general, you're better off using synchronizers or the java.util.concurrent framework rather than bare Atomic* unless you know what you're doing.

Two excellent dead-tree references which will introduce you to this topic:

  • Herlihy's excellent Art of Multiprocessor Programming
  • Java Concurrency in Practice

Note that (I don't know if this has always been true) reference assignment (i.e. =) is itself atomic (updating primitive 64-bit types like long or double may not be atomic; but updating a reference is always atomic, even if it's 64 bit) without explicitly using an Atomic*.
See the Java Language Specification 3ed, Section 17.7.

An atomic reference is ideal to use when you need to share and change the state of an immutable object between multiple threads. That is a super dense statement, so I will break it down a bit.

First, an immutable object is an object that is effectively not changed after construction. Frequently, an immutable object's methods return new instances of that same class. Some examples include the wrapper classes Long and Double, as well as String, just to name a few. (According to Programming Concurrency on the JVM, immutable objects are a critical part of modern concurrency.)

Next, why is an AtomicReference better than a volatile object for sharing that shared value? A simple code example will show the difference.

volatile String sharedValue;

static final Object lock = new Object();

void modifyString() {
    synchronized (lock) {
        sharedValue = sharedValue + "something to add";

Every time you want to modify the string referenced by that volatile field based on its current value, you first need to obtain a lock on that object. This prevents some other thread from coming in during the meantime and changing the value in the middle of the new string concatenation. Then when your thread resumes, you clobber the work of the other thread. But honestly that code will work, it looks clean, and it would make most people happy.

Slight problem. It is slow. Especially if there is a lot of contention of that lock Object. Thats because most locks require an OS system call, and your thread will block and be context switched out of the CPU to make way for other processes.

The other option is to use an AtomicRefrence.

public static AtomicReference<String> shared = new AtomicReference<>();
String init = "Inital Value";
//now we will modify that value
boolean success = false;
while (!success) {
    String prevValue = shared.get();
    // do all the work you need to
    String newValue = shared.get() + "let's add something";
    // Compare and set
    success = shared.compareAndSet(prevValue, newValue);

Now why is this better? Honestly that code is a little less clean than before. But there is something really important that happens under the hood in AtomicRefrence, and that is compare and swap. It is a single CPU instruction, not an OS call, that makes the switch happen. That is a single instruction on the CPU. And because there are no locks, there is no context switch in the case where the lock gets exercised which saves even more time!

The catch is, for AtomicReferences, this does not use a .equals() call, but instead an == comparison for the expected value. So make sure the expected is the actual object returned from get in the loop.