Where do I put helper methods for ActionMailer views?
An already answered question, but I didn't get where/what-file to modify from the other SO responses. Here is how I did it:
At the bottom of app/config/initializers/devise.rb you can add this:
Devise::Mailer.class_eval do
helper :application # includes "ApplicationHelper"
This example will include the methods in /app/helpers/application_helper.rb. You could include another helper-file instead - if, for example, the method is only for the mailer or used for one other controller only. The def I needed is used all over, so I put in in that file so all views could access it.
It would be worth looking at the to_sentence
extension method for arrays that rails provides.
In my case, for Rails 5.1, I had to use both include and helper methods, like this:
include ApplicationHelper
helper :application
And then just proceed to use the method normally.
class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
include ApplicationHelper
helper :application
def my_mailer_method
Use the helper
method in your mailer to define the helper class to use
# mailer_helper.rb
module MailerHelper
def and_join(arr)
# whatever …
# my_mailer.rb
class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
helper MailerHelper
then you can use the methods in views as well.