Where is Blizzards official World of Warcraft API?
I know its an old threat and I dont know if you still want the API but here is the new api.
All documentation: http://blizzard.github.com/api-wow-docs/ use api like eu.battle.net/api/wow/character/realmname/charactername?fields=All-parameters-found-in-documentation-and-they-are-comma-seperated
Thats should do the trick ;)
Depends on what you are trying to do, here's the wiki on it
Blizzard has now released a Community API that allows you to fetch information directly from the Blizzard Services; such as Realm Status, Player and Auction data.
I don't think that this was what the original question was intended for, but I think this can help other people searching for similar information.
No. They do not allow any "outside" software to interact with the game's executable environment. Google "wow glider lawsuit" to find out more.