Where to override current_user helper method of devise gem

Limbo-Peng's answer is great, but can be improved a little to make sure only admins can do this:

You'll need to also define a is_admin? method or is_admin attribute on the User class.

You may also want to use a different key than user_id, so it will never conflict with your regular parameters.

# to impersonate another user, e.g. for customer support
# only admins can do this..
alias_method :devise_current_user, :current_user
def current_user
  if ! params[:user_id].blank? \
     && devise_current_user && devise_current_user.is_admin? 

According to the module Devise::Controllers::Helpers, current_user (together with all other devise helpers) is added to ApplicationController, which means that you can override it in this way:

# in application_controller.rb

def devise_current_user
  @devise_current_user ||= warden.authenticate(scope: :user)

def current_user
  if params[:user_id].blank?

The other answer suggesting aliasing the method is actually not the best solution. Doug English's comment is the best solution:

# In ApplicationHelper
def devise_current_user
   @devise_current_user ||= warden.authenticate(:scope => :user)

Here's the reason:

Suppose you're including your ApplicationHelper in your controller. If you need a method in your ApplicationHelper that relies on devise_current_user, given the alias solution inside the controller, you're out of luck.

But with the explicit method definition above, you can move the definition to the helper and call it from other methods and you still get to include it in the controller.

This is useful, for example, when you're developing a user impersonation solution and you need to show two different users in the view, one for the real admin (devise_current_user) and the other, the impersonated user (current_user).