Where to put model data and behaviour? [tl; dr; Use Services]

You should use services if you want something usable by multiple controllers. Here's a simple contrived example:

myApp.factory('ListService', function() {
  var ListService = {};
  var list = [];
  ListService.getItem = function(index) { return list[index]; }
  ListService.addItem = function(item) { list.push(item); }
  ListService.removeItem = function(item) { list.splice(list.indexOf(item), 1) }
  ListService.size = function() { return list.length; }

  return ListService;

function Ctrl1($scope, ListService) {
  //Can add/remove/get items from shared list

function Ctrl2($scope, ListService) {
  //Can add/remove/get items from shared list

I'm currently trying this pattern, which, although not DCI, provides a classical service / model decoupling (with services for talking to web services (aka model CRUD), and model defining the object properties and methods).

Note that i only use this pattern whenever the model object needs methods working on its own properties, that i'll probably use everywhere (such as improved getter/setters). I'm not advocating doing this for every service systematically.

EDIT: I used to think this pattern would go against the "Angular model is plain old javascript object" mantra, but it seems to me now that this pattern is perfectly fine.

EDIT (2): To be even clearer, I use a Model class only to factor simple getters / setters (e.g. : to be used in view templates). For big business logic, i recommend using separate service(s) that "know" about the model, but are kept separated from them, and only include business logic. Call it a "business expert" service layer if you want

service/ElementServices.js (notice how Element is injected in the declaration)

MyApp.service('ElementServices', function($http, $q, Element)
    this.getById = function(id)
        return $http.get('/element/' + id).then(
                //this is where the Element model is used
                return new Element(response.data);
                return $q.reject(response.data.error);
    ... other CRUD methods

model/Element.js (using angularjs Factory, made for object creation)

MyApp.factory('Element', function()
    var Element = function(data) {
        //set defaults properties and functions
        angular.extend(this, {
            //... other properties

            //dummy isNew function that would work on two properties to harden code
                return (this.status=='NEW' || this.id == null);
        angular.extend(this, data);
    return Element;