Where to save a Latex Template

For TeXworks to access a template via File → New from Templates place it under:


For TeXShop, to access the files from File → New from Stationary, place the file under:


As is pointed out earlier, different TeX previewers manage this function differently. I am familiar with two previewers under Max OS 10.9:

TeXShop 3.11 stores "stationary" in the folder


It uses two files, a TeX file containing the stationary and a text file containing a brief comment describing the stationary. The TeX file must have the extension ".tex" to be recognized. The comment file is optional, but if present must have the same name as the TeX file but with the extension ".txt".

TexWorks 0.4.4 stores "templates" in the folder


It uses a TeX file only. These files can be organized in folders.

  1. TeXShop does not update its stationary menu during runtime, so it must be closed and reopened for the new stationary file to appear.TeXWorks, however, does update while open.

  2. It's not clear whether updates to the previewers will save your added files. It would be good practice to save a backup copy of your stationary/templates.

  3. Recent versions of MacOS hide the Library folder by default, so it may not be obvious how to find the folder you need. Paste the path into Finders Go -> Go to folder... command to locate it.