Which of these strategies is the best way to reset a component's state when the props change

As i said in the comments, i'm not a fan of these solutions.

Components should not care what the parent is doing or what is the current state of the parent, they should simply take in props and output some JSX, this way they are truly reusable, composable and isolated which also makes testing a lot easier.

We can make the NamesCarousel component hold the names of the carousel together with the functionality of the carousel and the current visible name and make a Name component which does only one thing, display the name that comes in through props

To reset the selectedIndex when the items are changing add a useEffect with items as a dependency, although if you just add items to the end of the array you can ignore this part

const Name = ({ name }) => <span>{name.toUpperCase()}</span>;

const NamesCarousel = ({ names }) => {
  const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [names])// when names changes reset selectedIndex

  const next = () => {
    setSelectedIndex(prevIndex => prevIndex + 1);

  const prev = () => {
    setSelectedIndex(prevIndex => prevIndex - 1);

  return (
      <button onClick={prev} disabled={selectedIndex === 0}>
      <Name name={names[selectedIndex]} />
      <button onClick={next} disabled={selectedIndex === names.length - 1}>

Now this is fine but is the NamesCarousel reusable? no, the Name component is but the Carousel is coupled with the Name component.

So what can we do to make it truly reusable and see the benefits of designing component in isolation?

We can take advantage of the render props pattern.

Lets make a generic Carousel component which will take a generic list of items and invoke the children function passing in the selected item

const Carousel = ({ items, children }) => {
  const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [items])// when items changes reset selectedIndex

  const next = () => {
    setSelectedIndex(prevIndex => prevIndex + 1);

  const prev = () => {
    setSelectedIndex(prevIndex => prevIndex - 1);

  return (
      <button onClick={prev} disabled={selectedIndex === 0}>
      <button onClick={next} disabled={selectedIndex === items.length - 1}>

Now what this pattern actually gives us?

It gives us the ability to render the Carousel component like this

// items can be an array of any shape you like
// and the children of the component will be a function 
// that will return the select item
<Carousel items={["Hi", "There", "Buddy"]}>
  {name => <Name name={name} />} // You can render any component here

Now they are both isolated and truly reusable, you can pass items as an array of images, videos, or even users.

You can take it further and give the carousel the number of items you want to display as props and invoke the child function with an array of items

return (
    {children(items.slice(selectedIndex, selectedIndex + props.numOfItems))}

// And now you will get an array of 2 names when you render the component
<Carousel items={["Hi", "There", "Buddy"]} numOfItems={2}>
  {names => names.map(name => <Name key={name} name={name} />)}

Can you use a functional component? Might simplify things a bit.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Button } from "@material-ui/core";

interface Props {
    names: string[];

export const NameCarousel: React.FC<Props> = ({ names }) => {
  const [currentNameIndex, setCurrentNameIndex] = useState(0);

  const name = names[currentNameIndex].toUpperCase();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, names);

  const handleButtonClick = () => {
    setCurrentIndex((currentNameIndex + 1) % names.length);

  return (
      <Button onClick={handleButtonClick}>Next</Button>

useEffect is similar to componentDidUpdate where it will take an array of dependencies (state and prop variables) as the second argument. When those variables change, the function in the first argument is executed. Simple as that. You can do additional logic checks inside of the function body to set variables (e.g., setCurrentNameIndex).

Just be careful if you have a dependency in the second argument that gets changed inside the function, then you will have infinite rerenders.

Check out the useEffect docs, but you'll probably never want to use a class component again after getting used to hooks.