Why Angular2 (click) event is not firing on a <div>?

Your code snippet looks all good!

The issue is in your CSS styles. Your <div> probably either inherits a different position value or simply - goes behind another element which element blocks your <div> (does not allow it to be clicked).

By changing the position to relative it works, most probably because this position enables z-index and moves your <div> on top to the other element that's blocking it.

This should be enough for you to figure it out. But if you want more detailed answer - please share your CSS too.

Faced the same issue, and the problem was that I named an HTML element and the method the same.

It was such:


<div #doSomething>

<div (click)="doSomething();">


doSomething() {
    // ...

I was also facing the similar issue mostly time on Iphone. basically the pointer-event causing the stuck on the components. So I just applied the below fix at all the events where i applied the (click) property on the tag.

    .searchbar-ios {
        pointer-events: auto !important;

Now it is working fine in both Android and IOS platform.

