Why do I need to use http.StripPrefix to access my static files?

http.StripPrefix() forwards the handling of the request to one you specify as its parameter, but before that it modifies the request URL by stripping off the specified prefix.

So for example in your case if the browser (or an HTTP client) requests the resource:


StripPrefix will cut the /static/ and forward the modified request to the handler returned by http.FileServer() so it will see that the requested resource is


The Handler returned by http.FileServer() will look for and serve the content of a file relative to the folder (or rather FileSystem) specified as its parameter (you specified "static" to be the root of static files).

Now since "example.txt" is in the static folder, you have to specify a relative path to that to get the corrent file path.

Another Example

This example can be found on the http package documentation page (here):

// To serve a directory on disk (/tmp) under an alternate URL
// path (/tmpfiles/), use StripPrefix to modify the request
// URL's path before the FileServer sees it:
        http.StripPrefix("/tmpfiles/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/tmp"))))


FileServer() is told the root of static files is "/tmp". We want the URL to start with "/tmpfiles/". So if someone requests "/tempfiles/example.txt", we want the server to send the file "/tmp/example.txt".

In order to achieve this, we have to strip "/tmpfiles" from the URL, and the remaining will be the relative path compared to the root folder "/tmp" which if we join gives:


Assume that

I have a file


Then, tell fileserve serves local directory

fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("/home/go/src/js"))

Example 1 - root url to Filerserver root

Now file server takes "/" request as "/home/go/src/js"+"/"

http.Handle("/", fs)

Yes, http://localhost/kor.js request tells Fileserver, find kor.js in

"/home/go/src/js" +  "/"  + "kor.js".

we got kor.js file.

Example2 - custom url to Fileserver root

But, if we add additional resquest name.

http.Handle("/static/", fs)

Now file server takes "/static/" request as "/home/go/src/js"+"/static/"

Yes, http://localhost/static/kor.js request tells Fileserver, find kor.js in

"/home/go/src/js" +  "/static/"  + "kor.js".

We got 404 error.

Example 3 - custom url to Fileserver root with

so, we modify request url before Fileserver takes it with http.StripPrefix("/tmpfiles/", ...

after stripPrefix Fileserver take / instead /static/

"/home/go/src/js" +  "/"  + "kor.js".

got kor.js