Why does NDSolve need to solve for the derivatives if the equations are already explicitly solved?

In V10 and higher, you can increase the time limit on Solve with the system option "NDSolveOptions" -> "DefaultSolveTimeConstraint" -> time:

With[{opts = SystemOptions[]},
  SetSystemOptions["NDSolveOptions" -> "DefaultSolveTimeConstraint" -> 10.`],
  sol = NDSolve[
        Flatten[D[Ffuncs[r], r]] == Flatten[Ffuncs[r].Ffuncs[r]]], 
       Thread[Flatten@Ffuncs[0] == Table[0, {mMax*mMax}]]}, 
     Flatten@Ffuncs[r], {r, 0, 2}];,
(* Spurious message: SystemOptions::noset: ..SystemOption PreemptiveCheckUseThreads..  *)

sol[[1, 1]]
(*  F[1, 1][r] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 2.}}, <>][r]  *)

I'm not sure what takes NDSolve[] so long, but it's much faster than Solve[]:

Solve[Thread[Flatten[D[Ffuncs[r], r]] == Flatten[Ffuncs[r].Ffuncs[r]]], 
   Flatten[D[Ffuncs[r], r]]]; // AbsoluteTiming
(*  {51.1422, Null}  *)

It helps to pose this in vector form, see: Vector form using NDSolve

This at least doesn't throw the solving for derivatives error. (tested up to 200..)

mMax = 60;
vf[vals : {_?NumberQ ..}] := 
 Module[{m = Partition[vals, mMax]}, Flatten[m.m]]

vsoln = NDSolveValue[{x'[r] == vf[x[r]], 
     x[0] == Table[RandomReal[.1], {mMax^2}]}, x[r], {r, 0, 1}];

or with the square matix as the unknowm:

mMax = 60;
vf[vals : {{_?NumberQ ..} ..}] := vals.vals
vsoln = NDSolveValue[{x'[r] == vf[x[r]], 
    x[0] == Table[RandomReal[{-1, 1}], {mMax}, {mMax}]}, 
    x[r], {r, 0, 1}];

I threw in a nonzero initial condition so you get a nonzero result. you should verify this is doing the right thing, but I think its correct.