Why does Try-Catch require curly braces

Consider the fact that there are really three (or more) code blocks in play here:

try {}
catch (myexcption)
catch (myotherexception)

Keep in mind that these are in the scope of a larger context and the exceptions not caught are potentually caught further up the stack.

Note that this is basically the same thing as a class construct that also has the {} structure.

Say for instance you might have:

if (iAmnotsane)
catch (Exception myexception)
catch (myotherexception)

NOW does that second catch belong to the first or the second try? What about the finally? SO you see the optional/multiple portions make the requirement.

More or less, this is a play on the dangling else problem.

For example,

if( blah )
    if ( more blah )
        // do some blah
    // no blah I suppose

Without curly braces, the else is ambiguous because you don't know if it's associated with the first or second if statement. So you have to fallback on a compiler convention (e.g. in Pascal or C, the compiler assumes the dangling else is associated with the closest if statement) to resolve the ambiguity, or fail the compile entirely if you don't want to allow such ambiguity in the first place.


        // some code that throws!
catch(some blah)
    // which try block are we catching???
catch(more blah )
    // not so sure...
    // totally unclear what try this is associated with.

You could solve it with a convention, where catch blocks are always associated with the closest try, but I find this solution generally allows programmers to write code that is potentially dangerous. For example, in C, this:

if( blah )
    if( more blah )
        x = blah;
        x = blahblah;

...is how the compiler would interpret this if/if/else block. However, it's also perfectly legitimate to screw up your indenting and write:

if( blah )
    if( more blah )
        x = blah;
    x = blahblah;

...which now makes it appear like the else is associated with the outer if statement, when in fact it is associated with the inner if statement due to C conventions. So I think requiring the braces goes a long way towards resolving ambiguity and preventing a rather sneaky bug (these sorts of issues can be trivial to miss, even during code inspection). Languages like python don't have this issue since indentation and whitespace matter.

If you assume that the designers of C# simply choose to use the same syntax as C++ then the question becomes why are braces necessary with single statements try and catch blocks in C++. The simple answer is that Bjarne Stroustrup thought the syntax was easier to explain.

In The Design and Evolution of C++ Stroustrup writes:

"The try keyword is completely redundant and so are the { } braces except where multiple statements are actually used in a try-block or a handler."

He goes on to give an example where the try keyword and { } are not needed. He then writes:

"However, I found this so difficult to explain that the redundancy was introduced to save support staff from confused users."

Reference: Stroustrup, Bjarne (1994). The Design and Evolution of C++. Addison-Wesley.

UPDATE: This question was the subject of my blog on December 4th, 2012. There are a number of insightful comments on the blog that you might also be interested in. Thanks for the great question!

As others have noted, the proposed feature introduces ambiguities that are confusing. I was interested to see if there were any other justifications for the decision to not support the feature, so I checked the language design notes archive.

I see nothing in the language design notes archive that justifies this decision. As far as I know, C# does it that way because that's how other languages with similar syntax do it, and they do it that way because of the ambiguity problem.

I did learn something interesting though. In the initial design of C# there was no try-catch-finally! If you wanted a try with a catch and a finally then you had to write:


which, not surprisingly, is exactly how the compiler analyzes try-catch-finally; it just breaks it up into try-catch inside try-finally upon initial analysis and pretends that's what you said in the first place.



Try Catch