Why does VarType() ALWAYS return 8204 for Arrays

It's simply an error in documentation:

==>type D:\VB_scripts\SO\30511987.vbs
option explicit
Dim ii, aA(3)

Wscript.Echo "array", VarType(aA), TypeName(aA)

For ii=0 To UBound(aA)
  Wscript.Echo "aA(" & CStr(ii) & ")", VarType(aA(ii)), TypeName(aA(ii))

==>cscript D:\VB_scripts\SO\30511987.vbs
array 8204 Variant()
aA(0) 0 Empty
aA(1) 2 Integer
aA(2) 8 String
aA(3) 7 Date


From documentation

In VBScript, variables are always of one fundamental data type, Variant.

Data contained in the variable can be of any type, but variables itself are always of Variant type. Checking with VarType the contents of a position of an array will return the type of data contained. But the array itself is a compound of "cells" of Variant type

So, in your case VarType will return vbArray (8192) + vbVariant (12) = 8204