Why don't people hash and salt usernames before storing them
You see that thing up there where it displays your username? They can't do that if the username is stored hashed now can they?
One word, usability.
While what Terry is saying is true, sometimes login systems actually hash the username (but without salt). They have you pick a login name and a display name. The login name is stored hashed (without salt because you need to be able to look it up) and the password is salted. The display name is different from your login name (because this should be kept secret as well) and is shown where needed.
Even when an attacker sees your name, he will be unable to attach it to your login name. While I say it can be salted, there is actually no need to this. The most important part is just to keep it secret. If the database gets compromised, stuff like your email address or name will still be there for the attacker to use if he wants to stage new attacks on your other accounts.
Generally usernames are not considered secure, they are identity, not authentication. It's good to not reveal what usernames are valid, but would be worse if you happened to have a collision. You could still work around this by looking at all matching usernames for a password hash that matches, but that's kind of messy.
Realistically, if you otherwise have good password security and limits on login attempts, a complete list of usernames offers little practical value to an attacker. It's main benefit would be phishing, but if your official correspondence has any information in it, then that information can't be hashed and they'd get it if they compromised your DB anyway.
Also, usability like Terry said. It's far easier to find your account if they can see usernames. You don't gain enough by trying to secure an identifier to justify it in most contexts.