Why I get Internet Explorer enhanced security error message in Chrome if I call VSO API from Angularjs SPA?

I found that this happened to me when my PAT was wrong due to a copy and paste error.

Looks like you are probably failing authentication because you didn't base64 encode the bearer token.

I had this same issue. I verified this in postman as follows...

I didn't have to base64 encode my PAT. I found that I just needed to double check that my PAT had the right access. I passed the data as Basic Auth. Username: "whatever the hell you want" Password: PAT

Response: 200

Prefix your Personal Access Token(PAT) with :(colon). then Base 64 encode it.


If "myaccesstoken" is my PAT,

Apply base 64 encoder to ":myaccesstoken"

In the Authorization header, place your base encoded string as,

Authorization : Basic MyColonPrefixedBase64String