Why is a semicolon required at end of line?

Take a look at this example of chained function calls.

a.push(['test'])(function() {alert('poop')})()

Look familiar? This is how the compiler/interpreter views your code.


Here is a portion of the grammar used to describe call expressions.

CallExpression : 
	MemberExpression Arguments 
	CallExpression Arguments 
	CallExpression [ Expression ] 
	CallExpression . IdentifierName 

Essentially each group (...) is considered as Arguments to the original MemberExpression a.push.

a.push (['test'])                // MemberExpression Arguments 
(function() {alert('poop')})     // Arguments  
()                               // Arguments 

Or more formally

            MemberExpression( a.push ),
            Arguments( (['test']) )
        Arguments( (function() {alert('poop')}) )
    Arguments( () )

I'm not a Javascript expert (or even a newbie :), but if you combine the second and third lines, it still looks syntactically valid:

a.push(['test'])(function() {alert('poop')})()

That's trying to treat the result of a.push(['test']) as a function, passing a function into it... and then calling the result as a function as well.

I suspect that the semi-colon is required if the two statements can be syntactically combined into a single statement, but that's not what you want.