Why is EnumMap not a SortedMap in Java?
This won't make an answer to your primary question (because only the original designers have the answer), but one approach I was considering was for you to implement it yourself. While trying to make a SortedMap
implementation based on EnumMap
, I came up with the following class.
This is surely a quick and dirty implementation (and note that it is not fully compliant with SortedMap
- because the view requirements is not met), but if you need one, you can improve it:
class SortedEnumMap<K extends Enum<K>, V>
extends EnumMap<K, V>
implements SortedMap<K, V> {
private Class<K> enumClass;
private K[] values;
public SortedEnumMap(Class<K> keyType) {
this.values = keyType.getEnumConstants();
this.enumClass = keyType;
if (this.values.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty values");
public Comparator<? super K> comparator() {
return Comparator.comparingInt(K::ordinal);
public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) {
List<K> keys = Arrays.stream(this.values)
.dropWhile(k -> k.ordinal() < fromKey.ordinal())
.takeWhile(k -> k.ordinal() < toKey.ordinal())
return this.forKeys(keys);
public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey) {
List<K> keys = new ArrayList<>();
for (K k : this.values) {
if (k.ordinal() < toKey.ordinal()) {
} else {
return this.forKeys(keys);
public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey) {
List<K> keys = new ArrayList<>();
for (K k : this.values) {
if (k.ordinal() >= fromKey.ordinal()) {
return this.forKeys(keys);
//Returned map is NOT a "view" or the current one
private SortedEnumMap<K, V> forKeys(List<K> keys) {
SortedEnumMap<K, V> n = new SortedEnumMap<>(this.enumClass);
keys.forEach(key -> n.put(key, super.get(key)));
return n;
public K firstKey() {
return this.values[0];
public K lastKey() {
return this.values[this.values.length - 1];
And for a quick test (bugs yet to be found):
SortedMap<Month, Integer> m = new SortedEnumMap(Month.class);
for (Month v : Month.values()) {
m.put(v, v.getValue());
System.out.println("firstKey(): " + m.firstKey());
System.out.println("lastKey(): " + m.lastKey());
System.out.println("headMap/June: " + m.headMap(Month.JUNE));
System.out.println("tailMap/June: " + m.tailMap(Month.JUNE));
System.out.println("subMap/April-July " + m.subMap(Month.APRIL, Month.JULY));
I get:
firstKey(): JANUARY
lastKey(): DECEMBER
headMap/June: {JANUARY=1, FEBRUARY=2, MARCH=3, APRIL=4, MAY=5}
subMap/April-July {APRIL=4, MAY=5, JUNE=6}
Open feature request
I was able to find this issue for OpenJDK. It is from 2005 yet still open/unresolved.
I'd assume there isn't any "good reason" for this being not implemented.