Why is iterative k-way merge O(nk^2)?
Because it doesn't traverse each of the k arrays once. The first array is traversed k-1 times, the first as merge(array-1,array-2), the second as merge(merge(array-1, array-2), array-3) ... and so on.
The result is k-1 merges with an average size of n*(k+1)/2 giving a complexity of O(n*(k^2-1)/2) which is O(nk^2).
The mistake you made was forgetting that the merges are done serially rather than in parallel, so the arrays are not all size n.
Actually in the worst case scenario,there will be n comparisons for the first array, 2n for the second, 3n for the third and soon till (k - 1)n.
So now the complexity becomes simply
n + 2n + 3n + 4n + ... + (k - 1)n
= n(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + (k - 1))
= n((k - 1)*k) / 2
= n(k^2 - k) / 2
= O(nk ^ 2)
How about this:
Step 1: Merge arrays (1 and 2), arrays (3 and 4), and so on. (k/2 array merges of 2n, total work kn).
Step 2: Merge array (1,2 and 3,4), arrays (5,6 and 7,8), and so on (k/4 merges of 4n, total work kn).
Step 3: Repeat...
There will be log(k) such "Steps", each with kn work. Hence total work done = O(k.n.log(k)).
Even otherwise, if we were to just sort all the elements of the array we could still merge everything in O(k.n.log(k.n)) time.