Why use a JOIN clause versus a WHERE condition?
I don't like the style because it makes it harder to determine which WHERE
clauses are for simulating JOINs
and which ones are for actual filters, and I don't like code that makes it unnecessarily difficult to determine the original intent of the programmer.
Some people will say that this style is less readable, but that's a matter of habit. From a performance point of view, it doesn't matter, since the query optimizer takes care of that.
The biggest issue that I have run into with this format is the tendency to forget some join's WHERE
clause, thereby resulting in a cartesian product. This is particularly common (for me, at least) when adding a new table to the query. For example, suppose an ADDRESSES
table is thrown into the mix and your mind is a bit forgetful:
FROM customers c, invoices i, addresses a
WHERE c.customer_id = i.customer_id
AND i.amount > 999.99
ORDER BY i.amount, c.name
Boom! Cartesian product! :)
The old style join is flat out wrong in some cases (outer joins are the culprit). Although they are more or less equivalent when using inner joins, they can generate incorrect results with outer joins, especially if columns on the outer side can be null. This is because when using the older syntax the join conditions are not logically evaluated until the entire result set has been constructed, it is simply not possible to express a condition on a column from outer side of a join that will filter records when the column can be null because there is no matching record.
As an example:
Select all Customers, and the sum of the sales of Widgets on all their Invoices in the month Of August, where the Invoice has been processed (Invoice.ProcessDate is Not Null)
using new ANSI-92 Join syntax
Select c.name, Sum(d.Amount)
From customer c
Left Join Invoice I
On i.custId = c.custId
And i.SalesDate Between '8/1/2009'
and '8/31/2009 23:59:59'
And i.ProcessDate Is Not Null
Left Join InvoiceDetails d
On d.InvoiceId = i.InvoiceId
And d.Product = 'widget'
Group By c.Name
Try doing this with old syntax... Because when using the old style syntax, all the conditions in the where clause are evaluated/applied BEFORE the 'outer' rows are added back in, All the UnProcessed Invoice rows will get added back into the final result set... So this is not possible with old syntax - anything that attempts to filter out the invoices with null Processed Dates will eliminate customers... the only alternative is to use a correlated subquery.