Will mysqldump command also backup all the views that are present in DB or there is a special command for it?

There is no specific option for dumping views.

You can try the following:

mysqldump -h... -u... -p... --all-databases --routines --triggers --no-data > /root/MySQLDBSchema.sql
grep "CREATE ALGORITHM" /root/MySQLDBSchema.sql

You should be able to see the views. This indicates that when you dump databases, the view comes with it.

Another stunt you can try, just to get the views only, is this:

mysql -uroot -prootpass AN -e"select concat('SHOW CREATE VIEW ',table_schema,'.',table_name,';') from information_schema.views" | sed 's/;/\\G/g' | mysql --uroot -prootpass > /root/MySQLDBViews.sql

Give it a Try !!!