Windows 10 Double-clicks on single click

There are a few suggestions running around that this is a hardware problem with Logitech mice.

Two ways to reduce the problems (probably will reappear eventually) are proposed:

  1. Try removing the mouse batteries. Then click the mouse buttons repeatedly for 30 seconds. Then put the batteries back in. Why? Apparently this could drain any static electricity stored in the capacitators of the switch. This is all second hand information, give it a try and if it doesn't work try 2).

  2. This fix involves putting a piece of tape on between the two moving parts (the button and the switch). This solution is described here (no disassembly required for some mice) or here (disassembly required)

In case youtube links go down, here are the steps (images taken from the non-disassembly video)

Lift the mouse button (or disassemble mouse if required). enter image description here

Cut a little piece of tape and stick it to the plastic plunger. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Press the button back down (or re-assemble mouse). The mouse is now fixed.
enter image description here

I was just having the same issue in Windows 10, and noticed in the Device Manager that I had two HID-compliant mouse entries under the "Mice and other pointing devices" tab.

I went ahead and uninstalled one of them and I no longer seem to be having the double click event problem.