Windows service / A new guard page for the stack cannot be created

Just as a 'for what it is worth' - in my case this error was reported when the code was attempting to write to the Windows Event Log and the interactive user did not have sufficient permission. This was a small console app that logged exceptions to a text file and the event log (if desired). On exception, the text file was being updated but then this error was thrown and not caught by the error handling. Disabling the Event Logging stopped the error occurring.

Based on the information that you provided, I would at least, at the minimum, do the following:

  1. Pay extra attention to any third party calls, and add additional info logging around those points.
  2. There are some circumstances in which AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException won't help you - a StackOverflowException being one of them. I believe the CLR will simply just give you a string in this case instead of a stack trace.
  3. Pay extra attention around areas where more than one thread is introduced.

An example of an often overlooked StackOverflowException is:

private string myString;
public string MyString { get { return MyString; } }  //should be myString

I got this on a particular computer and traced it to a c# object referencing itself from within an initializer