WkHTMLtoPDF not loading local CSS and images

In order to have them embed, you can insert base64 encoded images like :

<img src=""/>

In my case - wkhtmltopdf version (with patched qt) - adding a base tag to the head section with the absolute path made sure images and css did get loaded.

<base href="http://www.example.com/">
<link href="/assets/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">

If your are on linux check the ownership of your images. For windows you will find some info on http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/wiki/Usage.

I tried different kind of paths to the image:

  1. <img src="file:///var/www/testpdf/flowers.jpg"><br>
  2. <img src="./flowers.jpg"><br>
  3. <img src="flowers.jpg"><br>
  4. <img src="/var/www/testpdf/flowers.jpg"><br>

all images are showed correct. I didn't use any command line arguments (only wkhtmltopdf /var/www/testpdf/makepdf.html makepdf.pdf)

For Windows you need to use absolute file system paths in your markup. For instance:

<link href='C:\Projects\Hello\Hello.Web\Content\custom\home.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

! not http://localhost/Hello.Web/Content/custom/home.css