Wordpress - wp_mail script with jQuery post
First add your email processing function and hook it to wp_ajax
hooks like this using your functions.php
// if you want only logged in users to access this function use this hook
add_action('wp_ajax_mail_before_submit', 'mycustomtheme_send_mail_before_submit');
// if you want none logged in users to access this function use this hook
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_mail_before_submit', 'mycustomtheme_send_mail_before_submit');
// if you want both logged in and anonymous users to get the emails, use both hooks above
function mycustomtheme_send_mail_before_submit(){
if ( isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "mail_before_submit" ){
//send email wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments ); ex:
wp_mail($_POST['toemail'],'this is the email subject line','email message body');
echo 'email sent';
echo 'error';
Then inside an your theme's js file create the AJAX call like this:
jQuery('#donationForm').submit(function() {
// send email to client before moving onto worldpay payment form
var data = {
action: 'mail_before_submit',
toemail: $('#myemailfield').val(), // change this to the email field on your form
_ajax_nonce: $('#my_email_ajax_nonce').data('nonce'),
jQuery.post(window.location.origin + "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data, function(response) {
console.log('Got this from the server: ' + response);
Now add the nonce to your footer.php
since it needs to be generated via PHP:
<span id="my_email_ajax_nonce" data-nonce="<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'my_email_ajax_nonce' ); ?>"></span>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
And you should be set.
Basically, you can use JavaScript to post to a WordPress function, then the WordPress function can invoke wp_mail()
to send the message.
A great place to start would be the useful AJAX in Plugins article on the Codex. It walks you through all the steps required to add your JavaScript on the front-end, your PHP on the back-end, and everything you need to do to tie the two together.