WPS-Office equation editor

For the first issue you need a set of fonts for WPS and this should be dropped into the /usr/share/fonts folder for system wide access.

Now I have created a git repo with these fonts download it from here and add it like this:

  1. download fonts from here
  2. create a folder sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/kingsoft
  3. copy the contents of that download to folder in (2)
  4. run sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /usr/share/fonts/kingsoft
  5. run sudo chmod -R o+rw,g+rw /usr/share/fonts/kingsoft or leave as is if it has read and write permissions for owner (you)
  6. run sudo fc-cache -vfs

For the second issue. You could try this qalculate:

Install: sudo apt-get install qalculate

Qalculator resource: https://www.maketecheasier.com/qalculate-powerful-calculator-for-linux/

I just downloaded the fonts and copy them into /usr/share/fonts/wps-office/

It worked for me!

The steps were:

  1. Download the fonts as a zip file: https://github.com/udoyen/wps-fonts
  2. Unzip the file wps-fonts-master.zip
  3. Move the .ttf files to /usr/share/fonts/wps-office/ (sudo mv ~/Downloads/wps-fonts-master/* /usr/share/fonts/wps-office/)
  4. Restart WPS Office (If it's running)

Following the steps that is in WPS Office Equation repository on Github.

  1. Create and access a temporal directory.

    $ mkdir tmp
    $ cd tmp
  2. Clone the Git repository.

    $ git clone https://github.com/iamdh4/ttf-wps-fonts.git
  3. Enter the directory cloned

    $ cd ttf-wps-fonts
  4. Run the install script

    $ sudo bash install.sh
  5. Delete the temporal directory

    $ rm -rf /tmp/ttf-wps-fonts

I tried it in WPS on Linux Mint 19 (based on Ubuntu 18.04).