Wrapping a series of elements between two h2 tags with jquery
$('.report-content h2').each(function(){
var $set = $(this); // this is your key ;)
var nxt = this.nextSibling;
while(nxt) {
if(!$(nxt).is('.report-content h2')) {
nxt = nxt.nextSibling;
} else break;
$set.wrapAll('<div class="content" />');
See http://jsfiddle.net/mMpVB/
P.S. If anyone is looking for the answer to this for jQuery 1.8+, addSelf()
is deprecated in favor of addBack()
A modification to @Hexxagonal's answer worked for me:
$('.report-content h2').each(function(){
var $set = $(this).nextUntil("h2").addBack();
$set.wrapAll('<div class="content" />');
- https://api.jquery.com/andself/
- https://api.jquery.com/addBack/
Take each h2
, grab all sibilings until you get another h2
(or there are no elements at this level) and then reinclude the h2
in the set. Here's the JSFiddle.
$('.report-content h2').each(function(){
.wrapAll('<div class="content" />');
jQuery Documentation
- nextUntil
- addBack
- wrapAll