Writing whole alphabet in Vim
Using set nrformats+=alpha
Step by step:
ia<Esc> " Start with 'a'
qqylp<C-a>q " @q will duplicate the last character and increment it
24@q " Append c..z
How about this command:
:put =join(map(range(char2nr('a'),char2nr('z')),'nr2char(v:val)'),'')
Collect the ASCII values of the characters in the range from a
to z
, then map them over the nr2char()
function and insert the result into the current buffer with :put =
When you leave out the enclosing join(
… ,'')
you get the characters on a separate line each.
:h nr2char()
,:h char2nr()
,:h :put
,- and look up
and friends in thelist-functions
If your shell does brace expansion this is a pretty elegant solution:
:r !printf '\%s' {a..z}
reads the output of an external command into the current buffer. In this case, it reads the output of the shell's printf
applied to {a..z}
after it's been expanded by the shell.