Xamarin Forms - SelectionChangedCommand not firing for CollectionView

Couple of things that worked at my side (additionally to the SelectionMode = Single):

  • Make sure your Command' signature is <object> at your PageModel and do any cast according to your needs (specially if your collection becomes more complex).

  • Also at your XAML you want to give your CollectionView a name and use the SelectedItem property. SelectionChangedCommandParameter="{Binding SelectedItem, Source={x:Reference cvTagsCollectionView}}"

I use your code and created a demo on my side, I add the widthRequest and HeightRequest to make the collectionView work:

              SelectionChangedCommand="{Binding SelectedTagChangedCommand}"
              ItemsSource="{Binding Tags}"      

The SelectionChangedCommand did triggered after I click different items in the CollectionView.

I uploaded a sample here and you can check it: collectionView-selectItemChanged-xamarin.forms