xampp mysql and phpmyadmin dont work

I have fixed the issue. I copied all files in xampp/mysql/backup/ to xampp/mysql/data/.

As additional to the correct answer, you don't need to delete all the files inside xampp/mysql/data/, just replace with whatever inside xampp/mysql/backup/ will do. Cheers

I had this similar issue today and was able to solve it by:

  1. Close the XAMPP control panel

  2. delete the following files under /xampp/mysql/data:

    • aria_log.**1
    • aria_log_control
    • ib_logfile0
    • ib_logfile1
    • ibdata1
    • ibtmp1
    • mysqld.pid
  3. AND modify the multi-master.info and delete all its content then save the file.

  4. open the Xampp and run mysql again.


