Xcode quits unexpectedly every time I open my project

Deleting Derived Data worked for me. Just open another project or open xcode without opening your corrupted project. Than open preferences and go locations tab at the end. Click gray circle with arrow (where all your projects derived data are saved.)enter image description here

Delete your corrupted project's derived data in there and you are good to go.

Xcode stores some user state information inside the Xcode project “file”, which is really a folder. That state information might have become corrupted. You can normally throw away everything inside your .xcodeproj folder except the project.pbxproj file. This might fix your problem.

Open up the folder containing your .xcodeproj file. Right-click or control-click the .xcodeproj file and choose “Show Package Contents”. Then throw away everything except the project.pbxproj file.

cleaning an xcodeproj package

If you know what an Xcode workspace is, and you're actually making use of it, you might not have a project.xcworkspace file to throw away, or you might not want to throw it away. But if you don't know what an Xcode workspace is, then you're not using it so you can just throw away project.xcworkspace. Xcode will recreate it automatically.



