XeLaTex with pgfplots displays wrong color?
Workaround. Use
\pgfplotsset{axis line style={color=black}}
I asked on the dvipdfmx list and Shunsaku Hirata confirmed my suspicion that it is a dvipdfmx failure. A similar problem can be shown with this smaller example:
\special{pdf:bcolor [0]}
\special{pdf:code q 1 0 0 rg 1 0 0 RG}
text in red
\special{color push gray 0} %switch back to black
Text in black.
\special{color pop}
\special{pdf:code Q}
"Text in black" should be black but is red. The source of the problem is that dvipdfmx doesn't know that the color has been changed to red with the pdf:code
special - it only keeps track of the color specials - and so assumes that the color has not changed and that it can ignore the color push gray 0
The problem will be resolved in a future version.