Zabbix server sends too many notifications I am using escalation functionality of Zabbix to suppress frequent On/Off messages. In general:

  • first messages trigger escalation chain, w/out emailing you
  • then, Zabbix waits for 5 mins (or whatever you set it up to) before sending a notification.
  • if in course of those 5 mins trigger state changes to off, you get NO notification and everything goes back to normal.
  • Nice part it that deshboard still shows


You can adjust the triggers as well. I've found the count() method handy.
Instead of triggering on last(0) try count(300,0,"eq")}>5 instead. This trigger an exception if the last 5 checks (assuming 60 seconds between checks) failed.

You can also disable the OK messages by adding the 'Trigger value = "PROBLEM"' condition. This change should be made in the actions configuration.

