Apple - zsh themes loaded but not working

Do you have a custom PS1 that is overriding the prompt from the theme you have selected?

  1. Check you don't have any additional lines in ~/.zshrc beyond the default?

    1. Backup your .zshrc
    2. Delete all lines beyond export PATH=$PATH:/
    3. Reload your Terminal
  2. Do you have any plugins that are messing with things?

    • Check ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ for any additional plugins.
    • Remove all your plugins from your ~/.zshrc and reload your Terminal.
  3. Check you don't have any additional lines in your ~/.zprofile?

    mv ~/.zprofile ~/.zprofile-bak

    …and reload your Terminal. (Put back with mv ~/.zprofile-bak ~/.zprofile)

Note: trapd00r and linuxonly show the same errors for me

Do you have your iTerm profile set to report 256 colors?

enter image description here