Initialising member to class function causes 'self' used in method call error

It might be better to not use a Bool, but rather a nested Enum, which is also more extendible if you wanna add some other modes of haptic feedback later on.

I have a generalized solution for a generalized problem of your question. So either you do:

public class FunctionOwner {

    private let mode: Mode

    public init(`do` mode: Mode = .default) {
        self.mode = mode

public extension FunctionOwner {

    enum Mode {
        case foo, bar

    func fooOrBar() {
        switch mode {
        case .foo: foo()
        case .bar: bar()

private extension FunctionOwner {
    func foo() {
        print("doing foo")

    func bar() {
        print("doing bar")

public extension FunctionOwner.Mode {
    static var `default`: FunctionOwner.Mode {
        return .foo

FunctionOwner(do: .bar).fooOrBar() // prints "doing foo"
FunctionOwner(do: .foo).fooOrBar() // prints "doing bar"

Or if you for some reason do want to keep the stored Mode, you can do this (might be relevant for your actual question on how you do a workaround of referencing self in the init.):

public class FunctionOwner {

    private let _function: (FunctionOwner) -> Void

    public init(`do` mode: Mode = .default) {
        _function = { functionOwner in
            switch mode {
            case .foo:
            case .bar:

public extension FunctionOwner {

    enum Mode {
        case foo, bar

    func fooOrBar() {

// The rest of the code is the same as the example above