"initialize" class method for classes in Swift?

There is no type initializer in Swift.

“Unlike stored instance properties, you must always give stored type properties a default value. This is because the type itself does not have an initializer that can assign a value to a stored type property at initialization time.”

Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.

You could use a type property which default value is a closure. So the code in the closure would be executed when the type property (or class variable) is set.

class FirstClass {
    class var someProperty = {
     // you can init the class member with anything you like or perform any code
        return SomeType

But class stored properties not yet supported (tested in Xcode 8).

One answer is to use static, it is the same as class final.

Good link for that is

Setting a Default Property Value with a Closure or Function

Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.

Code example:

class FirstClass {
    static let someProperty = {
        () -> [Bool] in
        var temporaryBoard = [Bool]()
        var isBlack = false
        for i in 1...8 {
            for j in 1...8 {
                isBlack = !isBlack
            isBlack = !isBlack

        print("setting default property value with a closure")
        return temporaryBoard




setting default property value with a closure

So it is lazy evaluated.

For @objc classes, class func initialize() definitely works, since +initialize is implemented by the Objective-C runtime. But for "native" Swift classes, you'll have to see the other answers.

If you have an Objective-C class, it's easiest to just override +initialize. However, make sure subclasses of your class also override +initialize or else your class's +initialize may get called more than once! If you want, you can use dispatch_once() (mentioned below) to safeguard against multiple calls.

class MyView : UIView {
  override class func initialize () {
    // Do stuff


If you have a Swift class, the best you can get is dispatch_once() inside the init() statement.

private var once = dispatch_once_t()

class MyObject {
  init () {
    dispatch_once(&once) {
      // Do stuff

This solution differs from +initialize (which is called the first time an Objective-C class is messaged) and thus isn't a true answer to the question. But it works good enough, IMO.


