Injecting mocks with Mockito does not work

You can create package level setter for mUserInfoService in CreateMailboxService class.

public class CreateMailboxService {   
    @Autowired UserInfoService mUserInfoService; // this should be mocked
    @Autowired LogicService mLogicService;  // this should be autowired by Spring

    public void createMailbox() {
        // do mething
        System.out.println("test 2: " + mUserInfoService.getData());

    void setUserInfoService(UserInfoService mUserInfoService) {
        this.mUserInfoService = mUserInfoService;

Then, you can inject that mock in the test using the setter.

@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "file:src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring/root-context.xml" })
public class CreateMailboxServiceMockTest {

    UserInfoService mUserInfoService;

    CreateMailboxService mCreateMailboxService;

    public void setup() {
        mCreateMailboxService = new CreateMailboxService();


This way you can avoid problems with @InjectMocks and Spring annotations.

If you are trying to use the @Mock annotation for a test that relies directly on Spring injection, you may need to replace @Mock with @MockBean @Inject (both annotations), and @InjectMocks with @Inject. Using your example:

UserInfoService mUserInfoService;

CreateMailboxService mCreateMailboxService;

For those who stumbles on this thread and are running with JUnit 5 you need to replace @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)



Further reading here. Unfortunately there is no hint when executing the test cases with JUnit 5 using the old annotation.

In my case, I had a similar issue when I worked with JUnit5

class MyServiceTest {

MyService underTest;

void myMethodTest() {

underTest was null. The cause of the problem was that I used @Test from JUnit4 package import org.junit.Test; instead JUnit5 import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;