Inline links in code listings

The simplest method I can think of is to just use listings's escapechar key. This requires choosing a character that doesn't appear in the code. For example, I've used the pipe character | below, but this would need to be changed to something else if the code fragment contained, say, a logical or bitwise or operation.




int main(){
int x;


This produces:

image of result

The following employs moredelim and some boxing to have any (syntax-formatted) part of a listing as hyperlink:

int main(){
  @foo@(); // <-- identifier is hyperlink

The link target (URL) is specified with the macro \btSetUrl{ theurl }. You could setup it once or redefine it inside the listing using any of listings's escape-to-latex options. In the example, I simply use mathescape, so that $\btSetUrl{}$ inside the listing sets the URL.






int main(){
  int x;
  $\btSetUrl{}$@MyFunction@( x ); // <-- links to cool question
  $\btSetUrl{}$@return 0@;        // <-- never forget!


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