<input type="number"> not working in IE10

IE10 does not have Number support. Source: Can I use ... yet?

Just verified on our Windows 8 test machine, there is no number spinner on their test drive site in IE10.

Internet Explorer 10 supports the number input. This is evident from a cursory examination of their documentation, as well as an attempt to use it within the browser itself. For example, attempting to place a letter in a number input will result in the value being cleared when the control loses focus.

You can also feature-detect support for number by programmatically doing the aforementioned test:

// Create the element
var element = document.createElement( "input" );

// Give it the number property and invalid contents
element.type = "number";
element.value = "qwerty";

// Value should be empty
alert( element.value ? "Not Supported" : "Supported" );

Run this test: http://jsfiddle.net/VAZwT/

It may very well be that you're equating progressively-enhanced UI (the spinners) with support for the control itself. I've seen this confuse a few people already. Some browsers augment supplement the number input with additional controls, but this is not (to my knowledge) a requirement for support.

A few simple tests for min, max, and step on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/sDVK4/show/

Please prefer the answer below from Sampson as it's more appropriate

IE doesn't have support for input type="number" but you can use a polyfill to make it work.

Here is the solution : http://html5please.com/#number

