Insert a text chunk into a png image

Use ImageMagick's convert and the -set option:

convert IN.png \
        -set 'Copyright' 'CC-BY-SA 4.0' \
        -set 'Title' 'A wonderful day' \
        -set comment 'Photo taken while running' \

The -set option is used to set metadata elements. In the case of PNG these often go into tEXt chunks.

I have searched around for utilities to do this, and not yet found anything that really matches what I want to do. So I decided to build my own, which it turns out is not too hard. The utility png-text-dump displays all text chunks in a PNG image. It depends only on libpng. The utility png-text-append inserts text chunks into a PNG image. It depends only on the standard C library - I had initially tried to implement this using libpng, but actually found it easier to work from scratch using only the PNG specification.


