Insert image and list inside a table

You can use \raisebox to adjust the vertical positioning of the image:

\usepackage[demo]{graphicx}% delete the demo option in your actual code


     \begin{tabular}{ c  p{5cm}  p{5cm}  }
      my.Lboro & Advantages & Disadvantages \\ 
     \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth, height=60mm]{images/myLboro.png}}
      \item Accessibility
      \item Up to date information
      \item Fulfil students needs and wants \ldots
      \item Accessibility
      \item Up to date information
      \item Fulfil students needs and wants \ldots
      \\ \bottomrule
      \caption{my.Lboro Analysis}


enter image description here

I also made some changes to your code (as suggestions, of course):

  1. I used the booktabs package to improve the table design (in particular, no vertical rules).
  2. I used the enumitem package to suppress some vertical spacing before the lists.

The array package provides the m{<len>} column type which vertically aligns content in rows:

enter image description here


  \begin{tabular}{ | c | m{5cm} | m{5cm} | }
    my.Lboro & Advantages & Disadvantages \\ \hline
      \includegraphics[width=\linewidth, height=60mm]{tiger}
        \item Accessibility
        \item Up to date information
        \item Fulfil students needs and wants \ldots
        \item Accessibility
        \item Up to date information
        \item Fulfil students needs and wants \ldots
    \\ \hline
  \caption{my.Lboro Analysis}\label{tbl:myLboro}


Then, additionally, you can place the image inside a minipage of equivalent size (box it) to obtain the correct alignment. The adjustbox package provides a similar alignment modification fox boxes.