Insert title page into table of contents

The following seems to adhere to your request (mildly different from Guido's answer):

enter image description here

%for split boxes and title page
%for title page
%for double spacing in abstract



% --- begin title.tex

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}The title of my thesis}% Add title to ToC
 \MakeUppercase{The Title of}\\[12pt]
 \MakeUppercase{My Thesis}\\
 % ----------------------------------------------------------------
 Nathan G. Glenn\\[14pt]
  % ----------------------------------------------------------------
Submitted to Brigham Young University in partial fulfillment of\\[12pt] graduation requirements for University Honors \\[5pt]

 % ----------------------------------------------------------------

Linguistics Department\\[12pt]
Some University\\[12pt]
{November 2012}

   \hspace{3in}\= \kill % set up one tab position
   \centering\arraybackslash Advisor: My Advisor  \> Honors Representative: My Rep\\[12pt]
   \centering\arraybackslash Signature: \hspace{0.5cm}\makebox[1.8in]{\hrulefill} \> Signature: \hspace{0.5cm} \makebox[1.8in]{\hrulefill}

% --- end title.tex


% --- begin abstract.tex

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}My abstract}% Add abstract to ToC

\MakeUppercase{The Title of}\\[12pt]
\MakeUppercase{My Thesis}\\[36pt]

Nathan G. Glenn\\[12pt]
Linguistics Department\\[12pt]
Bachelor of Arts\\[36pt]

Is the page number arabic like it should be?


% --- end abstract.tex



  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}\contentsname}% Add ToC to ToC
\chapter{Title and Abstract Should Appear Above Me in the ToC}

Instead of using the titlepage environment, I've used \pagenumbering{roman} and \thispagestyle{empty}, to remove the page numbering. For each of the title, abstract and contents, I've added a \addtocontents{toc}{chapter}{...} which sets the entry in the ToC similar to that of the chapters. This can be changed, of course.

Also, instead of loading the etoolbox package and patching \tableofcontents, a localized redefinition of \@starttoc is sufficient to add the ToC to the ToC itself.

You have to move the \pagenumbering{arabic} after \tableofcontents otherwise the page number for the abstract and the table of contents will be in arabic numerals and not roman.

Eventually, you might add a line \addtocounter{page}{1} after \end{titlepage} (titlepage resets the counter of the page at the end to 1, so the nex page after it is page 1)>

To add the title page and abstract to the content you can add the line


somewhere in the title page file and at the beginning of the abstract file. Replace <TEXT> with whatever appropriate for the context.

For the table of contents, you can use the etoolbox package to patch it


Try this:

%for split boxes and title page
%for title page
%for double spacing in abstract


 \MakeUppercase{The Title of}\\[12pt]
 \MakeUppercase{My Thesis}\\


\MakeUppercase{The Title of}\\[12pt]
\MakeUppercase{My Thesis}\\[36pt]

Nathan G. Glenn\\[12pt]
Linguistics Department\\[12pt]
Bachelor of Arts\\[36pt]
Is the page number arabic like it should be?





\chapter{Title and Abstract Should Appear Above Me in the ToC}

I have added a new environment called roman pages. Also, I have added \addcontentsline command to include title and abstract. Also, add \thispagestyle{empty} in title.tex to suppress the page number.