Inserting an image properly in a table

Similar to the solution I provided in How to draw arrows between parts of an equation to show the Math Distributive Property (Multiplication)?, you can use \tikzmark as defined in Adding a large brace next to a body of text. Each endpoint of the line is identified by \tikzmark, and the \DrawLines macro draws the line between each of the nodes.

enter image description here

You can adjust the shorten <=<size> parameter to start the lines a little later which achieves a nice effect. Here is the result with shorten <=7pt:

enter image description here

Curved lines can also be obtained by specifying in=<angle> and out=<angle> options. For example using \DrawLinesCurved instead of DrawLines you get:

enter image description here


  • This requires two runs. Once to determine the begin and end point of the lines, and the second to draw them.
  • The colors of the 4 lines are passed as parameters to \DrawLines.
  • I used the -latex arrows here, but if arrows are not desired this option can be removed.
  • I used \raisebox to adjust the position of the text (as requested in the comments).




\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}

  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,-latex,shorten >=1pt,shorten <=1pt, thick]
    \draw[out=80,  in=180, #1] (a.north) to (b.north west);
    \draw[out=40,  in=180, #2] (a.north) to (c.north west);
    \draw[out=320, in=180, #3] (a.north) to (d.north west);
    \draw[out=275, in=180, #4] (a.north) to (e.north west);

  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,-latex,shorten >=1pt,shorten <=1pt, thick]
    \draw[#1] (a.north) to (b.north west);
    \draw[#2] (a.north) to (c.north west);
    \draw[#3] (a.north) to (d.north west);
    \draw[#4] (a.north) to (e.north west);


\begin{tabular}[c]{ c c c c c c }
    & A & B & C & D \\ \cline {2-6}
    \tikzmark{b}1 & foo A1 & foo B1 & foo C1 & foo D1 \\
    \tikzmark{c}2 & foo A2 & foo B2 & foo C2 & foo D2 \\
    \tikzmark{d}3 & foo A3 & foo B3 & foo C3 & foo D3 \\
    \tikzmark{e}4 & foo A4 & foo B4 & foo C4 & foo D4 \\

enter image description here






\setlength\unitlength{\baselineskip + \extrarowheight}

    \begin{tabular}{ c c c c c c }

        & & A & B & C & D \\ \cline {2-6}
\put(.5,.5){\makebox(0,0)[r]{foo }}
\end{picture}}    & 1 & foo A1 & foo B1 & foo C1 & foo D1 \\
                            & 2 & foo A2 & foo B2 & foo C2 & foo D2 \\
                            & 3 & foo A3 & foo B3 & foo C3 & foo D3 \\
                            & 4 & foo A4 & foo B4 & foo C4 & foo D4 \\



Just to complement Peter's nice answer, I have used the matrix library. This might be of use since you have already typed in the tabular format so I just copied and pasted it.

\matrix[matrix of nodes] (footable) {
   &A & B & C & D \\
1 & foo A1 & foo B1 & foo C1 & foo D1 \\
2 & foo A2 & foo B2 & foo C2 & foo D2 \\
3 & foo A3 & foo B3 & foo C3 & foo D3 \\
4 & foo A4 & foo B4 & foo C4 & foo D4 \\
\draw (footable-2-1.north west) -- (footable-2-5.north east);
\node (Foo) at ([xshift=-1cm]$(footable-3-1.west)!0.5!(footable-4-1.west)$) {Foo};
\foreach \x in {2,...,5}{
\draw (Foo) -- (footable-\x-1);%replace (Foo) with (Foo.east) to focus the arrow origins

enter image description here

So, basically matrix library allows us to type in the tabular data. Then we put a node of which coordinates are calculated by obtaining the middle point of 3rd and 4th rows and shifting it by -1cm on the horizontal axis via calc library. Then a foreach argument draws the lines.