Insertion-Order Dictionary (like Java's LinkedHashMap) in Swift?

Didn't know of one and it was an interesting problem to solve (already put it in my standard library of stuff) Mostly it's just a matter of maintaining a dictionary and an array of the keys side-by-side. But standard operations like for (key, value) in od and for key in od.keys will iterate in insertion order rather than a semi random fashion.

// OrderedDictionary behaves like a Dictionary except that it maintains
//  the insertion order of the keys, so iteration order matches insertion
//  order.
struct OrderedDictionary<KeyType:Hashable, ValueType> {
    private var _dictionary:Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>
    private var _keys:Array<KeyType>

    init() {
        _dictionary = [:]
        _keys = []

    init(minimumCapacity:Int) {
        _dictionary = Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>(minimumCapacity:minimumCapacity)
        _keys = Array<KeyType>()

    init(_ dictionary:Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>) {
        _dictionary = dictionary
        _keys = map(dictionary.keys) { $0 }

    subscript(key:KeyType) -> ValueType? {
        get {
            return _dictionary[key]
        set {
            if newValue == nil {
            else {
                self.updateValue(newValue!, forKey: key)

    mutating func updateValue(value:ValueType, forKey key:KeyType) -> ValueType? {
        let oldValue = _dictionary.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
        if oldValue == nil {
        return oldValue

    mutating func removeValueForKey(key:KeyType) {
        _keys = _keys.filter { $0 != key }

    mutating func removeAll(keepCapacity:Int) {
        _keys = []
        _dictionary = Dictionary<KeyType,ValueType>(minimumCapacity: keepCapacity)

    var count: Int { get { return _dictionary.count } }

    // keys isn't lazy evaluated because it's just an array anyway
    var keys:[KeyType] { get { return _keys } }

    // values is lazy evaluated because of the dictionary lookup and creating a new array
    var values:GeneratorOf<ValueType> {
        get {
            var index = 0
            return GeneratorOf<ValueType> {
                if index >= self._keys.count {
                    return nil
                else {
                    let key = self._keys[index]
                    return self._dictionary[key]

extension OrderedDictionary : SequenceType {
    func generate() -> GeneratorOf<(KeyType, ValueType)> {
        var index = 0
        return GeneratorOf<(KeyType, ValueType)> {
            if index >= self._keys.count {
                return nil
            else {
                let key = self._keys[index]
                return (key, self._dictionary[key]!)

func ==<Key: Equatable, Value: Equatable>(lhs: OrderedDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: OrderedDictionary<Key, Value>) -> Bool {
    return lhs._keys == rhs._keys && lhs._dictionary == rhs._dictionary

func !=<Key: Equatable, Value: Equatable>(lhs: OrderedDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: OrderedDictionary<Key, Value>) -> Bool {
    return lhs._keys != rhs._keys || lhs._dictionary != rhs._dictionary