Install & Compile ZeroMQ/ZMQ/0MQ on Ubuntu 12.04 32bit

I found that I had to upgrade to ZeroMQ 3.2.x to get the examples to compile properly. The current version in the CentOS/EPEL repositories is 2.1.9, which doesn't work with the examples in the zguide. My example here was done on a CentOS 6.3 server.

yum remove zeromq zeromq-devel
tar zxvf zeromq-3.2.2.tar.gz && cd zeromq-3.2.2
make && make install
cd ~/zguide/examples/C
gcc -o hwclient hwclient.c -lzmq

After talking on a few IRC channels I have figured it out.

#### Build a single file with: ####
./c -p filename.cpp
g++ -o filename filename.opp -lzmq

#### Build all in folder ####
CCLIBS='-lzmq' ./build all