Install different versions of NodeJS

There are several node managers which you can use to achieve this, but the most popular are:

  • NVM
  • n

If you need something simple, the n utility is just for you.

Install it (use sudo prefix in commands if required):

npm -g install n

then :

npm cache clean -f

(don't be scared about the warning)

then just ask n to (download if required and) use the version you specify. For instance:

n 0.11.13

Et voilà !

Should you install multiple versions, you'll be able to switch between them. See the n page for details.

I use nave.

> npm install -g nave
> nave use 0.4.12 # starts a subshell with 0.4.12 at the head of the path
> node --version
> exit # go back to the original shell
> nave use 0.6.5
> node --version
> nave usemain

Note that the first time you need a version, it will be downloaded and compiled for you.

You can follow simple approach here


 $ curl | bash


 $ source ~/.profile

step3: list the latest versions of node

 $ nvm ls-remote


  $  nvm install 7.10.0

step5: Create alias as default for node version

$ nvm alias default 7.10.0


$node --version

that's it.