Install plpython on mac with python 2.7

(macOS Catalina 10.15.5, Homebrew 2.3.0)

The voted solution does not work with recent versions of Homebrew, which does not support options anymore, see

> brew reinstall [email protected] --with-python
Error: invalid option: --with-python

Fortunately, there is petere / homebrew-postgresql

I first updated the XCode command tools, in order to avoid this error:

configure: error: header file <perl.h> is required for Perl


> sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
> sudo xcode-select --install

And then

> brew tap petere/postgresql
> brew reinstall petere/postgresql/[email protected]

brought plpython2 back to life for me.

If anybody has the same problem, I fixed this by uninstalling postgres and installing it using brew install postgres --with-python

Ugh, this was a real pain as they have removed the with-python@2 option. I managed to get it installed with the following steps:

git clone
cd homebrew-core/
git checkout c2c0659f5a2e5be9c54c214e5aa19a2fe2cdc374
brew install --build-from-source ./Formula/[email protected] --with-python@2
brew services restart [email protected]

Probably there is a better way but this worked for me.

I quickly create a tap formula for the latest postgresql (11.2), add a --with-python option to compile options. So far it's work. No binary version, only compile from source. To use it:

brew tap indlin/postgresql-py
brew install postgresql-py

If I understand correctly, this is the official path for change options in brew (create your own tap formula). I don't understand why they do it???