Installed Teamviewer using a 64-bit system, but I get a dependency error

The problem is that the teamviewer_linux_x64.deb, the package that was aimed to 64-bit systems, uses a obsolete package that tried to achieve multiarch previously in Debian based systems called ia64-libs. Although, that package scheme changed and now Teamviewer distribute the native build for both i386 and amd64 architecture, as they don't need anymore multiarch.

Simply downloading the appropriated package for Debian/Ubuntu and installing it using your favorite method, should be enough. This package also installs a repository, so it should also automatically upgrade itself when you upgrade your system.

All I had to do to amend this problem was do dpkg --force-all -i *.deb to install that package. Note that the only dependency it couldn't resolve was libpng12-0, so after forcing the install it has no images in the interface but it is still runnable. The other solutions did not solve the problem for me. I'm hoping the Teamviewer developers will get to this soon.

To install on Ubuntu 20.04 x64, from

sudo apt update
sudo apt install gdebi-core wget
wget -O ~/teamviewer.deb ""
sudo gdebi ~/teamviewer.deb 