Installing pip is not working in python < 3.6

pip 21.0 dropped support for Python 2 and 3.5. The later versions require Python 3.6+. The syntax f"" is supported by Python 3.6+.

To install pip for Python 2.7 install it from :

- curl -O
- python
- python -m pip install --upgrade "pip < 21.0"

The last command is to upgrade to the latest supported version.

  • For Python 2.7 the latest supported is currently pip 20.3.4.
  • For Python 3.6 install from
  • For Python 3.5 install from
  • For Python 3.4 install from
  • For Python 3.4 the upgrade command is
    python -m pip install --upgrade "pip < 19.2"

This worked for me:On Mac:

Install pyenv as well as upgrade your python following the instructions on this here

Then in your terminal, if you run python -V and you still get the old version(system predefined version) showing:

To resolve this:

In your terminal run: alias python=python3

Then in your terminal execute python and you should now see that your system is using the python version you installed-:That is if you followed and completed the steps Here Correctly.

python switched

Restart your terminal(close/reopen):

Now you can finally install pip:

Read more about pip instalation steps [here][3]

1:In your terminal execute :$ python -m ensurepip --upgrade

2: Download the script, from

But..**NB**: instead of navigating to the exact link provided,check out the available versions of pip here: pipversions

Select the latest version:

pipversions page

Then select link to get the file and save it into your directory on your machine:

get-pip cd into the folder where you saved the newly downloaded script and execute:

Then execute:


pippy folder

Pip installed successfully:

successfully installed

I solved it by firstly run

python -m pip install --upgrade "pip < 19.2"

and then

python -m pip install --upgrade "pip < 21.0".

It seems reinstall my pip 20.3.4 and the error disappreared!


