Intellij IDEA java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon.hd$1()Ljava/lang/Object

I had this issue. Agree with Andrzej, idea uses its own compiler, so you have to disable it somehow. Go to Settings->Scala->Worksheet and uncheck "Run worksheet in the compiler process".

Any answer wasn't usefull in my case. Still i found a solution which worked for me.. It was problem with scalatest version. In pom.xml uprade to



So, although the above didn't solve my problem it is related to intellij.

Basically, it was preferring the Scala SDK to resolve the Class::method instead of loading from the dependencies.

I used


in the JVM switch to have it show me where it was looking; immediately cluing me into it being because it's trying to load the class from the Scala SDK (it would expect it to pull in libs from Maven).

I literally just deleted the Scala SDK from my project settings and the problem went away. So far, my experience with Scala (and definitely in a mixed Java environment) leads me to believe it has a ways to go to mature. This is such a fundamental class/method I can't believe it vanished between versions. The scala version I had installed was 2.11. Apparently what get's pulled in is 2.10.4 from maven.

Anytime you see "NoSuchMethodError" it always means there is a version conflict; it's a question of why.