Intellij: Move tab left and right

My research suggests there's no way to do this (currently). There is a "Move Right" and a "Move Down" but that just splits the tab groups vertically and horizontally, respectively. There's no key binding that seems related to this, either.

Perhaps suggest it as a feature: https:// /issues/IDEA/ (they have a bad cert so I don't want to link directly)

There's a plugin for this that you can install:

Unfortunately, it doesn't work in Intellij 13 (gives runtime errors)

The plugin TabMover has been working for the past few years in WebStorm. (Confirmed January 2019)

You can install it directly from Preferences > Plugins. Just search for TabMover

On MacBooks the default keybindings are Cmd-Opt-Shift-Left/Right.

But you can remap them to Ctrl-Fn-Shift-Up/Down if you want.

Under Preferences > Keymap search for Move Tab To Previous and Move Tab To Next

(Incidentally, if you want the same behaviour for tabs in Google Chrome, I can recommend the extension Keyboard Shortcuts to Reorder Tabs. Firefox works out-of-the-box!)

There is no built-in keyboard shortcut for this functionality as of the latest 2017 build.

You can vote for it in the issue tracker though.

I'm not sure if you can move the actual tabs. However if you use CTRL + TAB you get the same functionality you would see by doing ALT + TAB on Windows.

Meaning you can hold the key combination to find a tab you want to quick swap with, and then just press the key combination to switch back and forth.